Terms & Conditions

Listings are not guaranteed to be published until payment is received. On-line listings can be edited by the author up to the date of the sale. Once listings are printed, the printed version will not change.

Please make checks out to “Garretson Gazette” and mail to PO Box 327, Garretson, SD 57030 or drop off at 506 N Main Avenue, Garretson within 72 hours of registration. A dropbox is provided outside of office hours.

Once payment is received, no refunds may be given as it is placed into a “pooled fund” to pay for outside advertising.

Any payments via check that are rejected by the bank will acquire a $35 fee on top of registration payment.

Generally, advertising is placed with The Dells City Journal & Shopping Guide, Brandon Valley Journal, Facebook/Instagram sponsored posts/events, and the Gazette. Any payments above and beyond ensure advertising in Pipestone Star, Luverne Announcer, etc.

Registration fees also include the cost of printing the listings, website hosting, payment gateway fees, and printed flyers.

The Garretson Gazette is the listed business for checks, but does not make a profit above and beyond actual advertising and hosting costs for the rummage.

Members of the community are welcome and encouraged to help plan for the Rummages! Contact us to join!